Monday, January 23, 2012

Art movement

Street Art
aka Public Art

It can be found in Public places : streets, train, roads, walls, door, billboards.
Most artists are unknown to avoid be caught by police. Normally would use street name, instead of real name. Eg: Banksy, Blu, Sam3......

Vandalism? Or art?

Some street arts can be easily shown the view of artist on social, political, cultural, racial issues and etc.
"The best way for people to express themselves in the city." - Tom Finkelpearl (New York City’s Queens Museum of Art Executive Director)

Banksy - Balloon guard

Street arts can be performed in several FORMS,

For examples:




Street installation

Video projection

Flash mobbing



Artist : Fauxreel
- Graduated from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. (Film and Sonic Design)

- Was freelance writer for magazines; Assistant video editor

- Currently working with photography and outdoor art work

- Famous art projects included :
Papiers gaspesia, defunct front, toronto brick by brick, face of the city, unaddressed, a city renewal project, shiftchange, regent part portrait, vespa squareheads, billbored, wall impressions, pedestrain, 99potraits.

-Every project has its own meaning and some is to help increase awareness of public.

Face of the city
exploring the idea that beauty truly lies in the scars, wrinkles and blemishes of places we live and poeple we meet.

Wall impression

Chosen artwork:
Shift change

-exploring the concept of transformation and identity through the idea that the only thing constant is change.

Elements of design
Line : Lines are drawn by paint and brush.
Shape : Shapes are well defined in natural.
Direction : Curve, horizontal and vertical directions.
Size : Scale of the subject is bigger than the real subject.
Texture : Texture is rough and hard.
Colour : Saturated black and white colours.
Value : High value to perform stencil.

Principles of design
Balance : Mostly asymmetrical in design.
Gradation : Dynamic.
Repetition : Repetition with slightly changing the subject movement.
Contrast : In term of tone and direction.
Harmony : Harmony in colour, shapes.
Dominance : Three ladies
Unity in artwork.


Artist: ABOVE
-American, born circa 1981, pulish street art since 1995.

-Trademark arrow pointing "Above".

Expert in painting multi-layer/full color social and political stencils, spinning wooden "arrow mobile" installations, and large mural "word play" paintings.

-Every artwork has own meaning behind it, easily and clearly shown.


Rich to Poor (Before & After)
"Would you give other in need?"
" Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor"

The skool of hard knocks
"Law alone cannot secure freedom of expression : In order that every man present his views without penalty, there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population" -Albert Einstein.

Chosen artwork:
Rise "ABOVE" my fears

Elements of design
Line : Lines are drawn by paint and brush.
Shape : Shapes are well defined in geometric and natural.
Direction : Curve, horizontal and vertical directions.
Size : Scale of the subject is bigger than real subject.
Texture : Smooth.
Colour : Saturated multiple colours.
Value : High value to perform stencil.

Principles of design
Balance : Asymmetrical in design.
Gradation is dynamic.
Contrast in colour tones.
Harmony in shapes.
Dominance of subject high above the ground
Unity in artwork.

Thank you! :)


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Perceptual arts vs. Conceptual arts

Perceptual Art
A.k.a Optical arts (Op arts)

This kind of art creates visual or optical illusion which fools with our eyes.

We might perceive the non-living artwork that we saw is moving, swelling, flashing or even creates a figure-ground relationships which viewer can switch perception back and forth from the background.

Here is an example :

So, a face? or flowers?

Other than that, perception arts also play with the motions such as :

Rotating Snakes - by Dr. Akiyoshi Kitaoka

The Necker cube (classical reversible figure - viewer might be confused on the reversing planes and edges)

In the recent trend, optical illusion also can be seen in 3D artwork.
Here we go,

The Charlie Brown walking on the street

There are some explanations on this perceptual illusion.

As all these perceptual arts are related with our sensory perception, and mainly is our eyes that seeing things.
In fact, it is our brain that perceive wrongly and giving out wrong perceptions.

Other than than, some argue on the motion illusion is because our eye movements that create an illusion that the figure or object is moving.


Conceptual Arts

Arts that delivers messages, ideas or concepts to viewers through the artwork itself.

Different people have their own perspectives on the same piece of art.


Smoking kills you

Overall, conceptual arts main purpose is to convey idea or concept of the artist through the artwork itself to viewer.

Some concept can be easily shown, some might be a hidden message.


Monday, January 9, 2012

hi, it's ME!

Took Sheng Yi

Interest in seeking new exposure and excitement.
Favourite is eating and eating! Especially spicy fooooooood!
Day dream is her specialty.
Always get some little inspired by people surrounded and cool stuffs that surprise her in daily life.

Good day people.
Hope you enjoy my blog :)